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Okta IAM Threat Hunting SIEM use-cases for Sentinel

By: Jeroen van Kessel  |  March 22th, 2022 | 10 min read

Okta provides a widely used enterprise-graded SaaS-based Identity Access Management (IAM) Single-Sign-On (SSO) solution. In other words, Okta can hold the keys of your kingdom to authenticate and authorize users and systems to your managed applications, platforms, and infrastructure components. Instead of logging in with local accounts, Okta SSO accounts are used to log in to different applications and platforms.

In January 2022, the notorious APT ransomware group LAPSUS$ claimed it could bypass IAM authentication access to organisations' applications that are configured behind Okta MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication). LAPSUS$ showcased their capabilities with a compromised Cloudflare Okta tenant. However, Okta claimed on March 2022 there is no common exploit path applicable for other customers (tenants), but acknowledged this single security incident in January 2022. No underlying technical details were shared by Okta to the wider public as of this date. This means no IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) or IoA (Indicators of Attack) can be used to threat hunt and investigate other Okta tenants.

Okta Threat hunting

If you configured Okta IAM, you might want to go along with the statement from Okta, or instead pro-actively hunt for any Indicators of Compromise (IoC). In order to get more insights into your Okta events, we leverage the Okta API and connect it with Microsoft Sentinel SIEM. Sentinel provides the capability to create a workspace dashboard and alert-based custom Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries. Please note - you would have to manually import historical Okta data since the Okta API connector only forwards new IAM events over TLS. The following guide from ajawzero explains how to connect Okta logs to Sentinel SIEM if you want to configure the below SOC use-cases.

Sentinel SIEM use-cases

This blog post shares 20 Okta SOC threat hunting use-cases to monitor and alert on possible suspicious Okta activity which could be a sign of a compromise. Most of the below use-cases are crafted by thinking like a malicious actor. We also take the MITRE ATT&CK framework into account to mirror the different use-cases against known attack phases. Therefore, both insider threat and external malicious actor use-cases are created. You can use the Okta core API Event Types documentation for crafting your own KQL use-cases.

1. Okta administrator successfully logs in from a new country OR a new geo-location OR a new device

  | where isnotempty(actor_alternateId_s)
  | where eventType_s == "user.session.access_admin_app"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Country"] == "POSITIVE" or parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Geo-Location"] == "POSITIVE" or parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Device"] == "POSITIVE"
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_device_s, client_userAgent_rawUserAgent_s, client_ipAddress_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

2: Okta Administrator logs in during non-business hours

  | where eventType_s == "user.session.access_admin_app"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where hourofday(TimeGenerated) !between (5 .. 19)
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_device_s, client_userAgent_rawUserAgent_s, client_ipAddress_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

3. Okta user successfully logs in from a new country AND a new geo-location AND a new device

  | where eventType_s == "user.session.start"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Country"] == "POSITIVE"
  | where parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Geo-Location"] == "POSITIVE"
  | where parse_json(tostring(parse_json(debugContext_debugData_logOnlySecurityData_s).behaviors)).["New Device"] == "POSITIVE"
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_device_s, client_userAgent_rawUserAgent_s, client_ipAddress_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

4. Okta user successfully logs in from an IP flagged by Emerging Threats or Threat Intelligence sources

let malicious_ips = (externaldata(possibly_malicous_ip:string)
  | where possibly_malicous_ip matches regex "(^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)"
  | distinct possibly_malicous_ip
  | where eventType_s == "user.authentication.sso"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where isnotempty(client_ipAddress_s)
  | where client_ipAddress_s in (malicious_ips)
  | sort by TimeGenerated

5. Okta user successfully logs in from a Tor exit node

let malicious_ips = (externaldata(possibly_malicous_ip:string)
  | where possibly_malicous_ip matches regex "(^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)"
  | distinct possibly_malicous_ip
  | where eventType_s == "user.authentication.sso"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where isnotempty(client_ipAddress_s)
  | where client_ipAddress_s in (malicious_ips)
  | sort by TimeGenerated

6. Okta user changed their MFA method or password from a different country

Update: this use-case could possibly detect malicious LAPSUS activity according to the Cloudflare security team.

  | where eventType_s == "user.mfa.factor.activate" and outcome_reason_s == "User set up OKTA_VERIFY_PUSH factor" and outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where isnotempty(client_geographicalContext_country_s)
  | join kind = leftanti(
    | where eventType_s == "user.mfa.factor.update" and outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS" or eventType_s == "user.account.update_password" and outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS" or eventType_s == "user.account.reset_password" and outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"    | where isnotempty(client_geographicalContext_country_s)
  ) on client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | project-rename country_of_okta_activation = client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | project TimeGenerated, country_of_okta_activation, eventType_s, actor_alternateId_s, actor_id_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

7. Okta Global administrator successfully logs in

  | where actor_alternateId_s == "" or actor_id_s == "deadBEEF1337admin"
  | where eventType_s == "user.session.start"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_alternateId_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_ipAddress_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s, securityContext_domain_s

8. Okta password spray attacks on your Okta tenant

  | where debugContext_debugData_threatDetections_s contains "Password Spray" or debugContext_debugData_threatDetections_s contains "Brute Force" or debugContext_debugData_threatDetections_s contains \xe2\x80\x9cOkta Brute Force"
    and severity_s == "WARN" or severity_s == "ERROR"
    and debugContext_debugData_threatSuspected_s == "true"
  | sort by TimeGenerated

9. Okta API token created

  | where eventType_s == "system.api_token.create"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_displayName_s, securityContext_isp_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

10. Okta user attempts to access unauthorised application(s)

let threshold = 0;
  | where isnotempty(actor_alternateId_s)
  | where eventType_s == "app.generic.unauth_app_access_attempt"
  | extend parse_json(target_s)[0].displayName
  | summarize count() by TimeGenerated, actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, actor_id_s, client_userAgent_os_s,client_geographicalContext_country_s, tostring(target_s_0_displayName)
  | project-rename Okta_application = target_s_0_displayName
  | where count_ > threshold
  | sort by TimeGenerated

11. More than two MFA push notifications got rejected by the Okta user. This will detect possible MFA Bombing.

let threshold = 1;
  | where isnotempty(actor_alternateId_s)
  | where eventType_s == "user.mfa.okta_verify.deny_push"
  | summarize count() by  actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, actor_id_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | where count_ > threshold

12. Okta policy change occurred

  | where eventType_s == "policy.rule.update" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.update" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.create" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.create"  or eventType_s == "policy.rule.delete" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.delete" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.deactivate" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.deactivate" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.modify" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.modify" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.invalidate" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.invalidate" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.activate" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.activate" or eventType_s == "policy.rule.add" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.add" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.override" or eventType_s ==
"policy.rule.add" or eventType_s == "policy.lifecycle.override" or eventType_s == "network_zone.rule.disabled" or eventType_s == "zone.activate" or eventType_s == "zone.create" or eventType_s == "zone.deactivate" or eventType_s == "zone.delete" or eventType_s == "zone.update" or eventType_s == "application.policy.sign_on.rule.create" or eventType_s == "application.policy.sign_on.rule.delete" or eventType_s == "application.policy.sign_on.rule.delete" or eventType_s == "security.authenticator.lifecycle.deactivate" or eventType_s == "user.mfa.factor.reset_all" or eventType_s == "system.mfa.factor.deactivate" or eventType_s == "security.authenticator.lifecycle.deactivate"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | project TimeGenerated, actor_displayName_s, displayMessage_s, parse_json(target_s)[0].displayName, parse_json(target_s)[1].displayName
  | sort by TimeGenerated

13. More than 5 applications connections got deleted within Okta

let threshold = 4;
  | where isnotempty(actor_alternateId_s)
  | where eventType_s == "application.lifecycle.delete"
  | extend parse_json(target_s)[0].displayName
  | summarize count() by actor_alternateId_s, client_userAgent_os_s,client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | where count_ > threshold

14. Okta users is not authenticating with the Okta MFA mobile app

  | where eventType_s == "system.sms.send_factor_verify_message" or eventType_s == "" or eventType_s == "system.voice.send_mfa_challenge_call" and eventType_s != "system.push.send_factor_verify_push"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | project TimeGenerated, displayMessage_s, actor_displayName_s, debugContext_debugData_phoneNumber_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_ipAddress_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated, actor_displayName_s

15. More than 10 failed Okta login attempts

let threshold = 9;
  | where isnotempty(actor_alternateId_s)
  | where eventType_s == "user.session.start"
  | where outcome_result_s == "FAILURE"
  | summarize count() by  actor_alternateId_s, actor_displayName_s, actor_id_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | where count_ > threshold

16. Okta admin role assigned

  | where eventType_s == "user.account.privilege.grant" or eventType_s == "group.privilege.grant"
  | where outcome_result_s  == "SUCCESS"
  | project TimeGenerated, debugContext_debugData_privilegeGranted_s, actor_alternateId_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_userAgent_browser_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s, client_ipAddress_s, parse_json(target_s)[0].alternateId

17: Okta suspicious activity reported

  | where eventType_s == "user.account.report_suspicious_activity_by_enduser" or eventType_s == "user.session.impersonation.initiate" or eventType_s == "user.session.impersonation.grant" or eventType_s == "user.mfa.attempt_bypass" or eventType_s == "user.mfa.factor.suspend" or eventType_s == "user.account.update_primary_email"
  | sort by TimeGenerated

18: Okta impossible travel anomaly within 1 hour

let threshold = 1;
  | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
  | where eventType_s == "user.session.start"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where isnotempty(client_geographicalContext_country_s)
  | summarize count() by actor_id_s, actor_displayName_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | project-away actor_id_s
  | where count_ > threshold

19: Okta user logs in with a possibly bad user-agent

let malicious_user_agents = (externaldata(possibly_malicous_user_agents:string)
  | distinct possibly_malicous_user_agents
  | where eventType_s == "user.session.start"
  | where outcome_result_s == "SUCCESS"
  | where client_userAgent_rawUserAgent_s in (malicious_user_agents)
  | project TimeGenerated, client_userAgent_rawUserAgent_s, actor_displayName_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

20. Locked out Okta users

  | where eventType_s == "user.account.lock"
  | project TimeGenerated, displayMessage_s, actor_displayName_s, actor_alternateId_s, client_userAgent_os_s, client_device_s, client_geographicalContext_country_s, outcome_reason_s
  | sort by TimeGenerated

And the Okta user got unlocked

  | where eventType_s == ""
  | extend parse_json(target_s)[0].displayName
  | project TimeGenerated, target_s_0_displayName, actor_alternateId_s, client_userAgent_os_s,client_geographicalContext_country_s, client_geographicalContext_city_s
  | project-rename Unlocked_Okta_user = target_s_0_displayName
  | project-rename Okta_admin_unlock_user = actor_alternateId_s
  | project-rename Okta_admin_user_agent = client_userAgent_os_s
  | project-rename Okta_admin_country = client_geographicalContext_country_s
  | project-rename Okta_admin_city = client_geographicalContext_city_s


You could start by implementing the above Okta use-cases and disable or customize alerts in a phased manner. This way you are only notified when you are truly at risk. Chasing a manageable amount of high-value SOC alerts is more effective than processing massive amounts of SOC alerts with the risk of neglecting true-positive alerts due to a high SOC workload. You can also place some of these SOC use-cases only in a dashboard (Sentinel Workbook) for manual monitoring while creating an alert for other use-cases (Sentinel Incident).

Please note that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to SOC use-case designing. You should configure and further customise the Sentinel KQL queries based on your organisation. What might be odd for organisation A is a big red flag true positive for organisation B. We at Cryptsus translate business risks to technical SOC use-cases. This way, we can act based on Incident Response or even prevent malicious exploitation.

Although the above SOC use-cases are created for Sentinel, you could convert these threat hunting queries to Splunk, QRadar, or any other SIEM solution. The core of the queries should stay rather universal due to the nature of the Okta API Event Types.